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Wondering where to start?

Check out all the posts in D4PB's launch series, featuring three data practitioners at grassroots organizations in Minnesota.

  • We Make the Road by Walking with Amity Foster of ISAIAH/Faith in Minnesota
    • Amity built her role at ISAIAH from scratch over ten years. Now she runs data operations for one of the most dynamic base-building organizations in the country, and personally I've never run into a movement data person who doesn't know her name.
  • Hypothesize to Win with River Fiocco of TakeAction Minnesota
    • TakeAction, like many orgs, had a rocky road through the deep pandemic years, but they've emerged with a distinctive data culture rooted in clarity about the hypotheses they're testing at every level: from individual organizer workplans up through statewide electoral work. River's been in the thick of all of it.
  • Trust First with Irving Vázquez of Unidos MN
    • Organizing communities where many folks are undocumented presents particular challenges for a data director—especially if, like Irving, your job is actually three or four jobs. To make the magic happen, Unidos focuses on the basics: building trust, good organizing, and the occasional unforgettable protest sign.